The OSL is kicking off DevOps BootCamp this year with the brand new DevOps DayCamp! DevOps DayCamp is a dual-track day with one track to help inexperienced attendees get started with DevOps, as well as a second track comprised of a hands-on hackathon with educational sessions throughout the day for the more advanced DevOps crowd. Advanced sessions will be given by industry professionals and will include Ansible, Travis CI and Docker. For more information, checkout

DevOps BootCamp

DevOps BootCamp is an OSU Open Source Lab and OSU Linux Users Group program that aims to boost our impact and outreach while shrinking the skills gap for OSU students interested in DevOps.

The OSU Open Source Lab provides quality hosting for more than 160 open source projects. Along with delivering over 460 terabytes of open source data a month, the OSL employs and mentors students to be expert systems administrators and software developers ready to enter the industry. The OSL encounters more demand for qualified students than the employees graduating each year can supply. We’d like to give back to OSU and the wider open source community by training interested students from all disciplines in the real-world skills necessary for success as software developers and systems engineers. To this end, we’ll be offering an extracurricular training program with 2 to 3 sessions per month through the school year, in which current OSL students and software professionals will teach all topics that are essential for success. Although hands-on labs will be offered later in the program, no initial familiarity with software development or Linux will be assumed.

This program is based on the PSU Braindump, where for 21 years they have been turning PSU students into sysadmins who have rapidly been flowing into the growing number of startups in Portland.

The DevOps BootCamp program will be dynamically shaping itself based on the feedback we get from interested students.

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