Lesson 14: Review

Today’s Goals

  • Working VM
  • Run Systemview app
  • Connect to Systemview from browser in host
  • Understand what’s happening

How to set up a VM

Enable VirtualBox (VT extensions)

Install VirtualBox

Install Vagrant


# clone
git clone https://github.com/DevOpsBootcamp/devopsbootcamp-vagrant.git

# start up
cd devopsbootcamp-vagrant
vagrant up

# access vm
vagrant ssh


GitHub Account

SSH keys:
ssh-keygen -t rsa

Your public key is in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub by default.

GitHub -> Account Settings (icon in upper right) -> SSH keys -> Add SSH key

Joining the Github Org

  • Ping Ramereth in the IRC channel to add you

Installing the Web App

Prerequisite tools

On host machine, in devopsbootcamp-vagrant directory:

git pull
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

The Magic Script

Now that you’re in the guest machine:


cd catch-up


Start one with:
git checkout -b branchname
Which are you on:
git branch
Switch with:
git checkout branchname

Connecting to the App

In the guest machine, with virtualenv activated, python systemview.py

Point the browser of your host machine at

If changes in the app don’t show up in your browser, use F5 to hard refresh

Where am I?

In virtual machine?

  • Did you vagrant ssh?

In a repo?

  • git status

On a branch?

# Show current branch
$ git branch

# create new branch, called branchname
$ git checkout -b branchname