Lesson 1: The Very Basics

Today’s Agenda

  • Getting (to) Linux

  • The Terminal & Shell
    • Scripts, file paths, special characters
  • Productivity tricks
    • Getting help
  • IRC
    • Vocabulary
    • Get connected
    • Etiquette
    • #wwucs, #wwu-devops, #wwu-alumni

A note about notation

  • Variables
    • $varname
    • <varname>
  • Shell prompt
    • $
    • `literal stuff in backticks`
  • foo, bar, baz, username, etc.

How to get (to) Linux

  • How many have it already installed?

  • Install VM or dual-boot

  • When stuck on Windows, use PuTTy:

  • Students:

    ssh <username>@linux.cs.wwu.edu

Trying Linux on a Virtual Machine

Virtual machines act as a full system on a physical machine

  • Hypervisors:
    • VirtualBox (free)
    • VMWare (mostly free)
    • KVM (Linux only hosts)
    • Parallels
  • Public Cloud Virtual Machines
    • Amazon EC2, Rackspace Cloud, Google Compute Engine, etc
  • Easy way to test without breaking your machine!

Installing Linux on Virtualbox


Your home directories in all CS labs are mounted over NFS. If you run a virtual machine from your home directory you will crash the file server and get your account disabled.

You can stop this from happening by adding “export VAGRANT_HOME=/tmp/$USER-vagrant.d” to your .bashrc (or .zshrc, etc.) and changing the virtualbox default machine location to /tmp. This setting can be found in File -> Preferences -> General in Virtualbox.


Try other distributions if you like to see what’s different. Fedora or Manjaro are great next steps to try out.

  1. Download and install: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

  2. Grab the latest minimal ISO: http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-cd/

  3. Create VM
    1. New -> Name “Debian” -> Default Ram -> Default Disk settings
    2. Settings -> Storage -> Empty -> CD/DVD Drive -> Select ISO
    3. Start -> press enter -> Skip media check
  4. \o/

Vagrant & VirtualBox


You can see the gui by uncommenting the line in the Vagrantfile.

  • Vagrant is a tool used with Virtualbox (and other) platforms
  • Make a reproducible pre-installed Linux environment
  • Download and install: http://www.vagrantup.com/
  • Clone our repo, start and access the vm:
# clone
git clone https://github.com/WWUDevOps/WWUDevOpsVagrant

# start up
cd WWUDevOpsVagrant
vagrant up

# access vm
vagrant ssh

Vagrant cheat sheet


We’ll get into more detail later in how you can access ports on your VMs and other use cases.

# start
vagrant up

# stop
vagrant halt

# destroy (remove vm)
vagrant destroy

# ssh to the vm
vagrant ssh

Also check out the Vagrant Documentation for more information.

The Terminal

  • Used to mean the keyboard+monitor
    • Now that’s a crash cart
  • Terminal emulator

  • Shell: Use bash; others include csh, zsh, tsch
    • ~/.bashrc

Basic Shell Commands


Explain architecture:
 built in commands vs. external binaries
Demo commands:Directory movement and file manipulation: Cd, pwd, ls, rm, mv, touch
User info:id, whoami, w
Pipes:redirection (pipe.txt, redirect.txt)
Special variables:
 $?, $$ (pid.sh), !!, !*, !$
  • ls, cd, cat, echo
  • invoke/call an installed program
  • get help: man <program>
test@x230 ~ $ tree
├── Documents
│   ├── Code
│   │   └── scripts
│   │       └── test.sh
│   ├── School
│   └── Work
└── Pictures
    ├── manatee.gif
    └── turtle.png

6 directories, 5 files

Invoking a script


Permissions discussed later.

$ ls -l
$ chmod +x $filename

Arguments are extra information that you pass to a script or program when you call it. They tell it in more detail what you want to do.

$ ls -a -l
$ ls -al

Why pass arguments on the command line rather than having an interactive mode?

File Paths

  • . means current directory
  • .. means parent directory
  • Tilde (~) means your homedir (/home/$username)
  • / separates directories (not \)
  • / is root directory, so ~ expands to /home/$username/
  • current path appears in your prompt: I’m logged in as the user test on the machine named x230
test@x230 ~ $ ls
Documents  Pictures
test@x230 ~ $ cd Documents/
test@x230 ~/Documents $ ls
Code  School  Work
test@x230 ~/Documents $


root directory is not to be confused with a home directory for the root account

Special Characters

  • escape with \ to use them literally
  • # means a comment
  • ; allows multiple commands per line
  • !, ?, *, &&, &
  • Regular expressions (we’ll learn more later)

Type less

  • Reverse-i-search
    • ctrl+r then type command
  • aliases
    • ~/.bashrc
  • Tab completion


Automation > Typing > Mouse

Help, get me out of here!

  • ctrl+c kills/quits

  • ctrl+d sends EOF (end-of-file)
    • also means logout
  • :q gets you out of Vi derivatives and man pages
    • esc - esc - :q if you changed modes
  • read what’s on your screen; it’ll help you

Knowledge Check

test@x230 ~ $ tree
├── Documents
│   ├── Code
│   │   └── scripts
│   │       └── test.sh
│   ├── School
│   └── Work
└── Pictures
    ├── manatee.gif
    └── turtle.png
6 directories, 5 files
  • What user am I logged in as?
  • What command did I just run?
  • What is my current directory when I run that command?

More about Man Pages

  • the manual (rtfm):

    $ man <program>
    $ man man
  • use /phrase to search for phrase in the document; n for next match

  • else:

    $ <program> --help


Man pages, blogs you find by Googling, StackOverflow

  • Contribute to community
    • Correct it if it’s wrong
    • Remind them what newbies don’t know
    • Write your own
  • For your future self as well

  • Start now

Asking for help

It’s okay to ask.

  1. What should be happening?
  2. What’s actually happening?
  3. Google it
  4. Skim the manuals of each component
  5. Identify a friend, mentor, or IRC channel who could help
  6. When they’re not busy, give them a quick synopsis of points 1 and 2, mentioning what possibilities you’ve ruled out by searching.

Contributions = expertise + time

Don’t waste experts’ time, but do build your expertise.


  • Internet Relay Chat
  • Very old (RFC 1459 May 1993)
  • Works on everything (no GUI needed)
  • The people you want to listen to are there

A Client


Switche to a terminal and show example

Use irssi in screen

# This step is optional, but persistent IRC is cool
$ ssh <username>@<preferred shell host>

# start Screen
$ screen -S irc

# start your client
$ irssi

# after ending ssh session, to get back:
$ ssh <username>@<preferred shell host>
$ screen -dr IRC


/connect irc.freenode.net

/nick <myawesomenickname>
/msg nickserv register <password> <email>

/nick <myawesomenickname>
/msg nickserv identify <password>


/join #osu-lug
/join #devopsbootcamp
  • tells all channels on network
  • Don’t do this on Freenode!

tells you the current channel’s topic


tells you who’s here


  • take action with /me does thing`
  • everything else starting with / is a command
/say $thing
/join, /part, /whois <nick>, /msg, /help <command>

Note that nothing shows up in the channel when you run a /whois command; it shows up either in your status buffer or your conversation with the person.

12:04 -!- _test_ [~test@c-50-137-46-63.hsd1.or.comcast.net]
12:04 -!-  ircname  : Example User
12:04 -!-  channels : #ExampleChannel
12:04 -!-  server   : moorcock.freenode.net [TX, USA]
12:04 -!-  hostname : c-50-137-46-63.hsd1.or.comcast.net
12:04 -!-  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 2 mins 38 secs [signon: Wed Nov  6
12:04 -!- End of WHOIS

Useful tricks

  • Tab-complete works on nicknames. use it.

  • Highlight when people say your name

  • Symbols are not part of names; they mark status in channel

  • Logging (expect it); `/set autolog on`

  • chanserv and nickserv are good bots to know
    • hamper is also a bot

Screen & Irssi Hints

  • Paste with ctrl+shift+v
    • PuTTY defaults to right-click to paste
  • to get back, screen -dr IRC

  • Can you use man screen to find out what the d and r flags mean?

SCREEN(1)                                                               SCREEN(1)

       screen - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation

       screen [ -options ] [ cmd [ args ] ]
       screen -r [[pid.]tty[.host]]
       screen -r sessionowner/[[pid.]tty[.host]]
Manual page screen(1) line 1 (press h for help or q to quit)


  • Lurk more

  • Don’t ask to ask
    • Lure help out of hiding with tasty details of problem
  • Show that you’re worth helping

  • Read the topic
    • /topic
    • Output only shows up in your channel, not to everyone else
  • Pastebin code

  • Choose your nick carefully


  • ping/pong
  • flapping
  • tail

  • hat

  • nick

  • netsplit

  • kick/ban/k-line

  • common emotes
    • o/ AND \o high fives
    • /me & means afk


  • What’s Linux?

  • How do you open a terminal emulator?
    • this varies between window managers
  • I have the script test.py. How do I run it??

  • How do you list all the files in the current directory?

  • Give 2 ways to change directory to your home directory.

  • How do you start an irc client?
    • How often should you need to start your IRC client?
  • How do you reconnect to a screen session?

  • Give an example of something which you should not do in IRC