DevOps Bootcamp Introduction


What’s DevOps?


Software Development + Operations Engineering

What’s BootCamp?

  • New this year

  • New this year

  • Free education program
    • Mentorship
    • Apprenticeship
    • Hands-on training
  • NOT:
    • OSU class for credit
    • student job

Why are we doing this?

  • OSL’s move to EECS
  • Bridge the “Skills Gap”
  • Demand from companies for students
  • Build community

What you’ll do:

  • Learn:
    • Linux systems
    • Networking
    • Software development
    • ...and the other skills you’ll need
  • Build:
    • Duplicate internet infrastructure

    • Graduate to helping with OSL tasks
      • work with real open source projects
      • solve real problems

Can you do it?

  • Probably!

  • No background knowledge needed

  • Time commitment
    • Attend lectures
    • Play with what we teach you
    • You get out what you put in
  • If in doubt… try anyway!

Career Paths:

  • Hands-on learning & OSL reputation:
    • Internships
    • Industry connections
    • Start career with mid-level/high-level experience
  • Justin
    • community experience builds skills, professional relationships

    • Linux skills helped in grad school
      • skills learned there helped land first sysadmin job
    • having your own ‘playground’ to experiment with

OSL Hiring:

  • Students need basic skills to join
    • Systems engineers
    • Developers
    • Media
  • Typically 2-3 years employment

  • Alumni
    • Google, Rackspace, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla, Facebook

What next?

  • Find our site (

  • Fill out registration with times available

  • Join mailing list

  • Tell us about yourself
    • Who are you
    • What do you want to learn here
    • Any background in devops?